This is something all internet marketers think and talk about, but what is it really and why does it matter?
Choosing a niche may sound crazy to some and be the most important thing in the world to someone else. My opinion, it's important to think about what you are going to focus on, but don't let it stop you from taking action. The failure to take action far out ways the importance of having the right niche. You can always narrow your sights as you go along.
But I do feel there is some justification for looking forward and planning what your site is going to specialise in and who it's going to appeal to. You need to know that there are people out there who share your passion and that there are products out there that these people want to buy. You do want to make money don't you?
There are a number of words in the above paragraph which are important to me when it comes to choosing a niche:
- planning
- specialise
- appeal
- share
- passion
- products
These 6 words just about cover everything you need to consider when choosing your niche. My order would be:
- Passion, if you are going to spend hundreds of hours of your precious time talking about something, you'd better be sure to have a passion for it! Do what you love or love what you do, because you're going to be doing a lot of it!
- Planning, before you start you need to have some sort of plan for what you know you can talk about and how you're going to do it.
- Specialise, this is what a niche is about, it's taking that broad market and focusing in on a speciality that you have so that you can become the "go to person" in this field.
- Appeal, it's got to have some sort of appeal to others outside your close network or it's not going to work.
- Share, if it's got appeal then your half way there, but it has to be something people are going to share with their friends, something that can come into conversation and makes them feel great to tell people about.
- Products, the real money is in selling your own products, but you can also make money to start out by advertising other peoples products as an affiliate. If there aren't many products selling in you niche, you may want to take another good look at whether it's the right niche.
At the end of the day, you can do all the research in the world, but you are going to have to do 2 things here.
- Eventually you are going to have to pull the trigger and choose something. You have to make a decision on this, so do some research, but just make sure to select a topic and TAKE ACTION!
- You are going to have to be great at it, not choosing a niche, but be great at talking about your topic! Sure, you won't be brilliant at this straight off the bat and yes you'll grow into it and develop your personality in the field. But you are going to have to know more than the person you are targeting. You will have to bring VALUE to the person who has clicked whichever link it was on this enormous mass of perpetual information call the web, and you have to make them sit up and think so that they will want to come back and hear more of what you have to say. BE BRILLIANT!
Before I finish this post, I will leave a little trick I use during my research of a niche. Have a look through the market place on Clickbank and check to see that there are plenty of products for sale in your niche and look at the gravity to make sure these products are selling. After doing this I will do a quick Google search in the niche to check out competition and also check if there are people advertising. Some people like to use tools such as Market Samurai or even the Google Keyword planner and I have been know to do this myself. These tools help, but only if it doesn't distract you from the job of picking one topic and taking action.
Good luck,
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